Here you can
enter your
own text
Second title
The right image =>
As well as the background
can be changed as well
Third title
Here you can
enter information
for your users
as well

In this blog I share tips on how you can get hundreds of targeted fans each day. These followers will become your potential customers. If you are looking to make money from your blog on Instagram or grow your reach through social media, then you should always keep up to date with the latest trends and techniques.

Here I outline proven solutions in depth - so that you can quickly implement them into a strategy and expand to up to 300 potential followers each day.

  • Top content strategy tips. You can discover how to create content and gather thousands of video and photo ideas from different social media platforms. You will be promoted organically by the algorithm by reusing content.

  • Engagement growth. Learn how to interact with followers on autopilot using proven automation services . With no cost to subscriber so that you are always on top of your target group of people.

  • Anonymous Instagram. There are also methods to download and browse content that is public and anonymous Stories, posts from the feed and many more. These can be done via websites that you can learn about.

  • Ideas and trends. Being aware of trends is essential to increasing the number of new followers as well as growth of hashtag galleries. Without knowing the fashions, your account will not be relevant, and a good match with the preferences of the audience you are targeting will increase your organic reach.

Therefore my writings can help digital strategists and content experts, as well as online businessmen, influencers, and anyone trying to improve their personal or corporate brand online.




From a commercial perspective, the niche of social media is considered to be one of the most promising markets. Naturally, this market is filled with powerful companies, but the rapid development of technology is continually providing new opportunities for the development of innovative concepts.

The first social media site goes back to the 1970s in the time when University of Illinois has developed the PLATO System. It had various features like online forums, bulletin boards as well as instant messaging and numerous other features.

Now, in 2019, and we've got thousands of social media platforms to select from (with key leaders like Facebook as well as Twitter). As per App Annie Report 2019 Social Media Network 2019 Statistics, the social media platform stats for 2019 highlight the top social media platforms in various countries:When creating social media, it is important to realize that having a mobile app is the first step to an effective project. When we speak about the costs, we should keep in mind that the majority of time and expense is related with the front end (what is happening in the shadows and helps make the app or web project work).

Social networks app development can be developed from scratch or as an add-on to the existing web version. With The APP Solutions, we can choose between the two options, since we have experience of stepping into developing at every phase of its life.

Explore the infographic to find out what social media app development costs (basic functionality and one platform - Android and iOS):

How to Create a Social Media App

1. Joining existing social media platforms

The less steps that separate the user from full-on interaction with the app, the more convenient. Users have already entered their details in a ton of social media applications so there's no need to force them to do it again. It's best to pare short the route to the new experience by limiting it to only one button "Connect with" or "Login using" one of the current apps.

2. Opportunities for self-expression

Everyone wants to be individual and demonstrate to the world that he is creative extraordinary, innovative, and out-of-the-box they are. Social media applications should contain certain features that will help in this regard, such as the possibility of customizing the profile picture, background and nicknames, for example.

3. The process of creating an online network

Each social network is useful for the user only if there are friends or interesting individuals. Therefore, social media app developers should work through the best algorithm for friends graphs and the system that allows users to invite friends with one click.

4. Sorting the newsfeed

Nearly every social media platform requires news feeds. Content is the mainstay and it's rightfully so. Users create a huge amount of data by themselves: check-ins as well as status updates, videos, audio, and uploads of photos. Furthermore, they share someone else's content. It makes it possible to assert themselves and express their opinion (which is one of the benefits of social media: you can make yourself be heard.)

When we are beginning to build an app that is social media-related designed for Android and iOS We consider this and provide the best way to arrange the feed of news which best suits the requirements of the social media application.

Newsfeed for All Square Portfolio app project by The App Solutions]

5. Communication with services

In order to provide your customers with an improved user experience when they interact with the platform, you have to create a system for integrating existing services into your network. In this way, users do not have to choose among numerous services since they're already connected. When we talk about third-party services, we're talking about:

Networks of relationships

Networks are used to build the communication between individuals. There are a variety of categories such as personal networking (Facebook),

professional network (Linkedin), and dating services (Badoo or Tinder application).

Media sharing networks

This type of social media gives users the possibility of trading photos and videos. This includes Flickr, Instagram, TikTok, YouTube, Vimeo, Vine, Snapchat. The most distinctive feature is the capacity to grow content. Some, for instance, allow you the possibility of releasing short videos, others allow creating their own channel of video.

Online reviews

Social media provide an immense source of data that helps users to gather all the required information needed to make buying decision. For example, Yelp and Urbanspoon are dependent on the geolocation of their users and the ability to post comments and recommendations on local businesses.

Discussion forums

Communities, forums, Q&A-services are among the first types in social media. Modern representatives of this type are Quora, Reddit, and Digg. The fundamental premise of user-to-user interaction is the need for knowledge sharing.

Social publishing platforms

This kind of social media services is linked to blogging and micro-blogging platforms that let users write and publish text and media content. These include such popular platforms as Twitter, Medium, and Tumblr.

Bookmarking websites

StumbleUpon, Pinterest, Flipboard are services where the user creates a personal library. This can be followed by other members of the community. The majority of the time, these social media analyze interests to provide more relevant information.

Networks based on interest

The most appealing benefit with social networks is the possibility of meeting people with common preferences. For example, Last.FM is a network that caters to music lovers, Goodreads is for those who love books.

It should also be thought of the option of integrating your service into every existing network to ensure that the posts of users in your social media app could be posted to other social networks. It could bring the user's friends to your social media.

6. Private communication

However thrilling the experience of engaging with other users there are always issues that should be discussed privately. Social networking applications should include built-in features for secure communication. This way, your users will not go to external resources and will be spending more time with your app. Learn more about our article on why data privacy matters.

If you've got an idea for an app and have a good grasp of what the app needs to be. What's next? What is the best way to create an app for social media? We begin with the creation of apps directly.

A.P. Solutions APP Solutions is a social media app development firm that adheres to native app development. It allows us to get a higher performance of the latest social app for Android and iOS and provides a superior user experience and provides access to the built-in functions of mobile devices.

In the second, when working on such a large-scale project, our social media app developers offer to start with the MVP the minimum viable version. MVP is a product that has a minimum core set of functions that can quickly present the product on the market to evaluate the concept. This method helps in launching the product rapidly, at the same time, reducing time and costs. Once validation is finished then we begin to complete the application: adding featuresand features, as well as design and make improvements to the user interface and UX. Following this, the app is released for a second round of validation and testing.

MVP Scheme Stages of Development

Five Steps of Social Media Application Development

The APP Solutions, our professional team has developed a workflow that makes the most sense from the technological and business points of view and we follow these critical phases in creating a successful social media application.

Step 1. Making a plan for your social media

In this phase, we study the concept and the market, analyze the requirements to draw a sketch of the intended audience and define the performance indicators that are to be achieved. All this helps to find an exclusive niche when developing an application for social media on mobile devices.

Step 2. Design the social network App's workflow

The design itself consists of various steps:


A brief outline of potential applications. They help assess the future design of the project as well as the amount of screens as well as the interplay between them.


It is among the most vital steps of an application's design, as it allows the team developing the app to see the skeletal framework of social media apps. It helps to visualize the structure of the app and the experience that it offers the end-user.


A prototype developed is a model that is working for an application that is to be developed. It provides both for the customers and developers an understanding of the product. It is much easier to alter an idea and change it before the process of coding begins.

Design App Skins

At this point Wireframes are then converted into the design of the social app. We're analyzing the existing solutions, observing the latest trends and elaborating UI/UX to provide the most effective solutions.

Step 3. Development & Quality Assurance for iOS and Android

The design and development processes typically run in conjunction during the development and design phases of a mobile application. When the prototyping phase of the app is done, we build its back-end by setting up servers, databases APIs, as well as working out perfect storage solutions.

We create a product that meets all technical specifications such as user guidelines, as well as platform standards. It is our iOS and Android engineers suggest to our customers native development of social media apps to ensure the best performance from the app.

(You can estimate the development costs online using Cost Calculator.)

Every step of the development process we will provide manual and automatic testing of every component of the program and their interaction within the program. (By the way the testing is not just done to make sure the developers didn't write any errors in codes, but also to examine the user experience of the application.)

Related reading:

Case Study: Video Streaming App Proof of Concept

How to Create a Community App

Step 4. Publishing & Marketing the App

Our team of experts also manages the process of publishing, develops all promotional materials, including screens, video guides as well as a concise description of the application. This helps social apps for businesses to make an impression at Google Play Market and the Apple Store and Google Play Market.

Also, about marketing. When you are coming up with the idea of a mobile app or web-based project keep in mind that the costs of development are only part of the overall cost. It is also important to take into account basic marketing needs and expenses. What method you decide to take in promoting your own application is up to you and don't stop planning it after your app has appeared in an app store. Make sure you track the quantitative metrics for the application, which is essential for your success in the social media market.

Step 5. Maintenance & Support

Once the project has been released to the market for applications, we ensure our clients with any kind of support and updates implementation.

Quantitative Metrics for Social Media Application

To conduct a business analysis of a social media mobile app we recommend sticking to the metrics that grant monitoring engagement and aid in helping make actionable solutions.

They can be divided into five categories which are user, financial, sales, acquisition, and marketing. The type and the purpose behind the application there will always be the right instrument. However, here are the essential instruments:

Acquisition: CPI & CAC

Cost Per Installation (CPI) is determined by tracking installs of users who have come from advertisements. It is counted by dividing advertisement costs with the total number of application installs.

Customer Acquisition Cost (CAC) is the sum of the total amount of marketing activities that are required to draw the attention of a potential client. It is one of the determining factors that show whether the business has a viable business model. This indicator of business scaling possibilities.

User activation

Active users in comparison to downloads. Activation actions/parameters are customized for each application.

Rate of User Retention and Churn

The degree of user retention is determined by the percentage of users who came back to the app on the date of their first visit. If the new update is made available, it's important to verify if retention has changed, because it can help determine the features that work and what is not in the new version.

The churn rate shows the number of customers who have quit using the social media mobile app. The less it shows the lower.

User engagement

Engagement of users is a variety of actions performed in the app. Among them are Session Length and Interval.

The first video shows the time that passed between who joined the application and exited it. The second shows the time that passed between two sessions.


It's a quantitative proof of the market demand for the product. In other words, it displays the monthly growth of the users.

Burn rate

The amount of money that the mobile app is spending (burning) each month . It includes expenses for hosting, marketing, staff and other expenses. It reveals the essential resources at disposal that is required to plan for growth and to raise funds.

How to Make a Social Media App


The development of apps for social media isn't an easy job. We believe that our good ideas, expertise, and a expert team of experts are sufficient to build a successful project that would help you achieve your business goals and attract loyal customers. This is the answer on the following question "How to create a social media app? ".

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